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All Blogging Tips And Tricks

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to add a Gadget just above the Blogger Header?

How to add a Gadget just above the Blogger Header?
Adsense Earning is itself a multibillion online industry which have been providing huge opportunity to all to earn so big. Millions of individuals as well as companies and firms have been earning very huge income since its establishment without having any hard effort. I would like to invite you all to join this multibillion online industry business which runs none other than net giant Google. For Adsense earning you will have to make either a website or a blog, most preferable one is blog because it is free to make and publish. This one which you are reading itself a blog where you can see different advertisements provided by Adsense, if somebody clicks on it I shall be paid by Google. Lot of tips as well as tricks are there to establish a good blog with rich content that automatically attract lot of people’s attention called traffic, which I am going to share with you once you go through deeply you may able to make good income. In this article I would share you that how your Adsnse ads get noticed or attracted when your blog opened to somebody around the world.
Nevertheless Adsense Income is not as easy as we think. To get targeted visitors to your site and get clicked on Ads are not so simple, lot of genuine efforts have to be applied for this, once all these completed you may become free while enjoying nice money. Nowadays site visitors are also much targeted, they are not supposed to go for a click while they surfing and just see an ad this is because of their intelligence that they are looking for something else. Even though any visitors click on the ads, then the money might not be enough as per our requirement because the clicked ads could be low rated ads.
                This one is a wonderful way that stimulates the Click through Rate (CTR) of your Adsense Ads. The Click through Rate (CTR) of an advertisement is defined as the number of clicks on an ad divided by the number of times the ad is shown (impressions), expressed as a percentage. If you are getting frustrated with low CTR on your Adsense, don’t worry just try this and experience it am sure that your CTR going to touch great heights.
Abstract colorful globe business icon
Undoubtedly it is highly effective as well as result oriented method which obviously does wonders because many of the guys whom I personally know are using  this method and they are getting much more money from Adsense on regular basis. So why don’t you do this? So just put Adsense Ads above the header of your blog and get much more money. In normal case you don’t have any Gadget section above the header on default that blogger does not let you to add anything above the Header. Blogger has been blocked Gadget not to add any other thing above header so far. So we have to unlock that Gadget and put the quantity of Gadget as how many as you want to add. Once you created this Gadget simply you can place your Adsense Ads in that Gadget so as to increase CTR also.
Carefully go through the lesson step by step:-

1. First up all, login into you blogger dashboard, 
2. Go to Template>>Edit HTML
3. Click any place inside the template and click CTRL+F to find the code 
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='HTML3' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'>

4.Then change the maxwidgets='1' into maxwidgets='4' and showaddelement='no' intoshowaddelement='yes'
5. At last Click on Save Template button to save the template and go to the layout button to see the widget area. Here is your new Widget Area in the name of right-header just above Header Gadget where you can add Adsenses, Text, and Image etc...

Thank you for visiting and reading us. I would be there always for your help.

Tamanna J



Thank you for visiting and reading us. I would be there always for your help.

Tamanna J

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